August Bank Holiday Weekend Work Party Completed. 30/8/23.
Wednesday 30th August 2023.
Over the three day Bank Holiday weekend we again employed the services of a tractor with a flail mower attachment. Along with several Association members, the riverbanks at Eign, Bartonsham and Belmont/ Breinton were cut enabling anglers and other riverside users easier access to footpaths and pegs. Our grateful thanks go to members Nick Handley, Ian Detheridge, John Weale, Ivan Attrill, Simon Sloane, Michael Beach, Jason Cartwight and Simon Cotterell as well as our River Working Party Organiser and bailiff Lee Pritchard-Woollett and bailiff Dave Tyler. I am sure their efforts will be appreciated by all members. Anyone who is interested in taking part in a future work party on the river should contact Lee Pritchard-Woollett. Below are some photos of the various sections that have ben cleared.