
Pencoyd Pool Match Result – Sunday 23rd April 2023.
Club Matches, Club News

Pencoyd Pool Match Result – Sunday 23rd April 2023.

Tuesday 25th April 2023.

On Sunday the 2nd Pencoyd Match of the year took place with 8 anglers taking part.

Winner on the day was match organiser Pete Pembridge who weighed in 36lb 120z of carp and F1s from a peg towards the top end of the pool. Runner up Dave Tyler was pegged close to the middle of the pool and weighed in 11lb 10oz of mainly carp. Third was Graham Matthews who weighed in 10lb 4oz and  was pegged next to the runner up. Fourth was Dave Brymer who weighed in 8lb 10oz.

The next match is scheduled for Sunday 23rd April. C ontact Pete Pembridge for further details.