Spinning- restrictions after March 2nd 2023.
Wednesday 1st March 2023.
Members and Day Ticket holders are reminded that NO SPINNING is allowed on Association waters after midnight on March 2nd 2023, unless you are in possession of a Salmon Membership or Day ticket. Salmon members only are allowed to spin until August 31st but are not allowed to use wire traces when spinning. Furthermore NO SPINNING is allowed from Belmont peg1 downstream to the Old Wye Bridge during the Salmon season.
Having a full Salmon membership does not entitle you to use lures or dropshot during the river closed season for coarse fish, neither does it entitle you to use lures for coarse fish during the Salmon season. Any member found to be exploiting this rule will face disciplinary action.
Full rules regarding Salmon fishing can be found on page 13 of the rule book or on the website at Rules – Hereford & District Angling Association (hdaa.org.uk)