
Pencoyd Match Result – Sunday 19th May 2024.
Club Matches, Club News

Pencoyd Match Result – Sunday 19th May 2024.

Sunday 26th May 2024

Last Sunday the latest match at Pencoyd pool took place with five anglers taking part. They arrived to bright morning with a forecast of dry warm conditions. With the warm conditions of the last week it was likely that the carp would be getting ready for spawning although the water temperature seemed on the cool side and the colour was not the best.

Winner was Pete Pembridge who was pegged near the dam end  and weighed in 28lb 7oz of mainly carp and a few bream. Runner up was Chris Mayne who weighed in carp for 27lb 10oz from a peg towards the far end of the pool. Third was Graham Matthews with 17lb 10oz. Well done to all who took part.

The next match will be on Saturday 1st June 2024. Any interested member should add their name to the list in Woody’s tackle shop by close of business on Thursday 31st May.