F.A.O Day Ticket Anglers
Tuesday 16th January 2024.
It has been brought to the GPC’s attention by the bailiffs that some day ticket anglers are breaking the rules printed on the back of the day ticket. Failure to read the rules is no excuse, IT IS THE ANGLERS RESPONSIBILITY TO READ THE RULES BEFORE FISHING and action will be taken if the problem persists. The problem mainly affects the Belmont section during the Autumn/Winter months but applies to all sections of the river that can be fished on a day ticket. The 4 main problems are:
- Setting up on a peg or “reserving” your peg before buying your ticket.
- Fishing before Sunrise or after Sunset.
- Fishing on the Belmont section on a Sunday between September 1st and March 15th following.
- Pike anglers using livebaits or freshwater deadbaits.
If you are not already in possession of your day ticket and have placed your tackle on a peg you will be asked to remove it to the top of the bank. If another angler turns up and wants to fish that peg and he/she is a member or is already in possession of a valid day ticket then you will have to find another peg to fish.
A day ticket covers the period Sunrise to Sunset only not Dawn til Dusk which means you cannot fish into dark unless you are an Association member. If you have a valid day ticket then you can set up on a peg ready to fish at Sunrise.
Between September 1st and March 15th the Belmont section (permanent pegs 1-96 ) is regularly used for matches on a Sunday with very few Sundays free for pleasure anglers. Any Sundays that are free are reserved for Association members and Guests only and no day ticket anglers are allowed to fish this section at any time on a Sunday between the above dates.
The Association has a clear rule that only dead sea baits can be used whilst pike fishing. The use of any freshwater deadbaits such as commercially available frozen roach is prohibited. No livebaits of any description are allowed and anyone found to be using these is likely to face a ban.
The tackle shops will be asked to ensure that they make day ticket anglers aware of all the rules printed on the back of the day ticket and particularly the four rules mentioned above. The situation will be monitored and if necessary further action will be taken to ensure compliance.