ABC Baits Winter League Round 5 29/1/23
Tuesday 31st January 2023
Sunday saw the 5th and final round of the 2022/2023 Winter League Match take place with the river clearing and showing a slow and steady fall to 0.70m since the flooding. With several teams in contention for the top spot good draws were essential. With most of the fish shoals concentrated between the Old Wye Bridge and the green old railway bridge, anyone managing to catch on sections A and B were likely to get a good number of points for their team. With half the anglers in section A failing to catch, a 6lb 2oz chub 40 minutes from the end of the match ensured match organiser Dave Roberts took the section win and maximum 12 points for Woodys Premier. In B section Hadrian Whittle(Woodys Premier) managed to scrape together 4lb for second place in sectionand 11 points. Anglers below the old railway bridge generally caught well with multiple weights between 30 and 50lb. However peg 96 came up trumps yet again with England international Rory Jones (Woodys Premier)taking top individual honours catching a mind blowing 251lb of chublets on whip and stick float. PossibIy the third highest river match weight in the UK. Second on the day was Anthony Taylor (Alans Tackle) who managed 94-8 from peg 61 above the rowing club. Third was Andy Murphy with 86-10 from peg 86 on the Asda bank. With 2 section wins and a 2nd in section together with good points from the rest of the team, Woodys Premier took the team title by 2 points ahead of Dave Harrell Angling. Third were Woodys Bait tech. Full results and fnal league table below. Further information about the league and stats can be found at (20+) River Wye Match Fishing | Facebook