ABC Baits Winter League Round 3 4/12/22
Monday 5th December 2022.
Yesterday saw the 3rd Round of the Winter League series take place on the match length at Belmont. With the recent drop in temperatures to low single figures and a relatively clear river running at 0.82 metres, fishing was expected to be harder with many fearing the long walk to the dreaded “A” section would result in a fishless day. Once again though the river continued to come up trumps and produced some bumper catches with most anglers in “A” section also findingat least a few fish.
Noted peg 96 once again delivered the goods with individual winner Martin Challenger taking another incredible weight of 111lb 12oz to the scales. Fishing the waggler and then a 6 or 7 metre whip, his catch consisted of a mix of big dace and chublets together with three roach.Well done Martin on a fantastic catch. Second place went to Wye maestro Hadrian Whittle who also caught big dace and chublets on a 7m whip to weigh in 98lb 10oz. In Third place was Phil Amos who weighed in 70lb 6oz from peg 74 on the back of the railings despite having to stop fishing to help rescue a dog from the river (see seperate post). There were other great weights caught which shows just how many fish are in that section of river at this time of year.
On the Team front, the wheels truely came off for the Cadence team, finishing last on the day with 1 point compared to 12 on each of the previous 2 rounds. DH Angling took top spot on the day followed by Woodys Premier and Woodys Bait tech in 3rd. With Cadence drawing a bad set of pegs, they have slipped down the league from top to sixth. It just shows how vital it is to draw a good set of pegs.
All the results and the league table can be seen below.