Annual Letter & Membership Renewals for 2025- UPDATE 11/12/24
Wednesday 11th December 2025
All members who provided an email address when they joined this year, should now have received an email with 2 attachments, the Annual Newsletter and a Renewal form, both in PDF format. A few people have replied stating that they have only received one or other of the attachments. If viewing on a phone or ipad , please try powering off the device and then switching it back on and then checking the email for both attachments. If you are still missing either attachment please email the sender and the missing attachment will be emailed back to you.
A small proportion of emails have bounced back due to an incorrect email address,unable to accept incoming mail or mailbox not active. Please check your junk email folder. If you have not received anything please send an email to the following address :jlpembridge@gmail.com and we will send you the 2 documents. Please ensure you write your email address and other details clearly on the renewal form to avoid unnecessary work for the membership secretary and a possible delay in your 2025 membership being returned.