Press Release:
28 new fishing platforms along the river Wye in Hereford.
We advise that we have submitted a planning application to Herefordshire Council; we propose to install 28 wooden
fishing platforms similar to those already in place. The application will provide full details. In summary:
- The platforms will be sited in existing fishing positions (pegs) already in use.
- The Health and Safety of our members and visitors is an absolute priority for H&DAA. This work will help to
reduce any further bank erosion/damage caused by more frequent heavy flooding. - A full Ecological Appraisal, Ecological Management Plan and Ecological Enhancement Strategy has been
submitted as part of the application to ensure that we enhance the River Wye SAC and SSSI.
Assuming that the application is approved, construction of the platforms will take place in the summer this year, guided
by our Ecological advice.
Angling brings an enormous amount of social and economic benefit to our city. Club Bailiffs patrol the river in Hereford
daily, to ensure that people fishing have the appropriate licences and that they follow H&DAA rules. We hope that our
contribution will be recognised, and our plans supported.
You can view the plans and comment on the application here: