
Pencoyd Match Result –  Saturday 20th April 2024.
Club Matches, Club News

Pencoyd Match Result – Saturday 20th April 2024.

Sunday 21st April 2024.

The second match of the season took place yesterday at Pencoyd Pool. Ten anglers booked in to fish this match and were greeted by a cold and bright and sunny morning with temperatures expected to peak around 14C. Carp were again likely to feature in the majority of catches with bream, roach, ide and possibly chub also on the cards.

The match winner was Tony Doyle who netted 31lb 6oz of carp from a peg towards the top end of the pool. Runner up Dave Barnett also caught carp to finish with a weight of 15lb 2oz. Third was Dave Brymer who weighed in a mixed bag for 12lb 8oz which included a rare chub of around 3lb. Fourth was Ray Downey who weighed in a mixed bag of carp and silvers for 10lb 12oz. Well done to all that took part and to match organiser Pete Pembridge.

The next match at Pencoyd  will be on Saturday 4th May 2024. Anyone interested in fishing should put their name on the list in Woody’s tackle shop