Workparty – Holme Lacy 4 – 11th June 2023
Thank you to all that attended today’s work party, we had a good turn out and the whole Holme Lacy stretch has had all of the public rights of way strimmed and all overgrown swims strimmed with minor tree works where required.
Big thanks to Lee Pritchard and Bryan Owen for organising and to the Committe for ensuring the team had all the tools for the job! All were provided with the appropriate PPE and we had no reports of any issues during the work.
Lots of fish were active as well as an abundance of aquatic and insect life which was good to see with the Kingfishers, Swallows and Gold Finch making the most of the late Mayfly hatch as well as the insects that we disturbed. We could do with some fresh water however it is looking good for the begining of the coarse fishing season. This is a fantastic stretch which we were lucky to obtain, if you haven’t fished it yet then please make a point of trying it out this season, it is truely a fishermans paradise!
We are hoping to improve the fishing hut and work with Herefordshire Council to see what can be done to improve the foot bridge.
Here are some images from the day: