
**Fish Welfare and Temporary Keepnet ban.
Club News

**Fish Welfare and Temporary Keepnet ban.

Friday July 8th 2022.
Due to the current low water levels in the rivers and the predicted high temperatures starting to have an effect on water temperatures, the Association has now introduced a temporary ban on the use of keepnets until further notice. Please respect any fish you catch and return it to the water as soon as possible after allowing sufficient time for the fish to recover properly. This is especially important in the case of barbel.
In addition to the above ban it has been brought to our attention that some anglers are dragging fish across exposed gravel to land them. If you are fishing from a gravel beach you need to be prepared to wade out into the water so that there is at least a foot of water covering the gravel in front of you allowing you to land the fish without it suffering any undue injury. Please respect the fish.
The situation will be under constant review and any changes to the above information will be published here and on the Association website. Thank you for your cooperation.